Tuesday, October 11, 2011

My last night

Last night we got home from our trip. And something happened.
First of all, on our way home the Lord blessed me with some amazing boots. So I was pretty excited and started wearing them right away. you know, to break them in. And we stopped in Asheville to see Joshua and Kalyn. We were inside a Macdonalds and I couldn't get a word in edgewise so I decided to get in that playplace and get me some attention. (Ileftmyshoeson) So I was happy I could still climb all up in there. Then when I went down the slide it was like pitch black dark and scared me so I learned my lesson about trying to get attention. I will just let others talk the most.
After we left that place we drove home.
We got home and it was late and dark and everyone was jabbering on about how excited Tegan would be to see us. And I'm like um yeah, she will be excited because someone told me if you leave your dog for more than 3 days it thinks youre dead. not mentioning any names... my sister Daniele Clark. So, Ben said we should probably film the reunion incase something exciting happened like oh idk a heart attack or 4 feet jump in the air or something.
So Everyone is clammouring to get out of the van and I'm pulling on my new boots and getting out too. I've got the camera on and everything, following Ben. All the sudden he starts to kinda run, so I like started to run to and I hit the ground hard. I mean I fell hard. And as soon as I hit the ground I knew what had happened. and I started laaauughhhinnggg.. I haven't laughed that hard at myself in a while. When we were in the van I tied my bootlaces together so I could find my shoes easier when it was time to get out... and I forgot I had done that.
So a couple bloody hands and scrapped up elbow and knee and leg and muddy, leaf covered clothings later... Jess learned a lesson. If you want your left side to stay safe. Do not forget you tied your shoelaces together.

1 comment:

  1. Never forget. You are the best, and make me laugh all the time.
