Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Saturday 3-26-2011

We got up this morning and got dressed.
We went to a flea market. We walked through a beautiful garden to get there.
Me, Ben, Michal, Faith, Grace, Nissi, Judah, Josiah, Daniele & Jenna.
We bought cute little shell bracelets.
Ben bought fruit.
We ate lunch at a park next to the water.
Played at the park.
I was swinging kids like there was no tomorrow.
These kids are too little to know how to do it alone.
Someone just passed gas in this room. And Faith said, "Okay, which one of my
beautiful sister's just did that."
After lunch, I took the kids to the library so Daniele and Jenna could look at some thrift
While we were at the library Josiah (he is just turned 2) went missing. So I'm looking
all over the kids section and finally find him under a computer desk. He had crawled
under there to number 2 in peace. Oh Lord, I haven't smelled something like that
since who knows when. Sadly I forgot to ask Jenna for the diaper bag. So we were
stuck with smelling up the whole library. It was awesome.
Our Mother & Father came to pick us up. And there were diapers involved.
And we all went to look at the Manatees. Judah (3) started to say something about a
stupid coconut. Then looked at me and my father, and changed it to "silly coconut".
Michal & Nissi started running out into the road thinking there were no cars. But there
was one. And It didn't stop so they just froze in the middle of the highway.
We went back to the house to have a snack and a rest time. After that we loaded up
and went to the beach. We had a great time. But by it was getting dark and Nissi and
Judah were soaked and whining. I wrapped them up in towels and they both thought I
wanted them to sit in my lap. So they start fighting to get in my lap. And I'm just like
hey I didn't invite anyone in my lap. So they each just cuddled up next to me whining to
go home. (Well we couldn't go home until Jenna and Daniele got to the beach)
So I asked Faith to hand me what she was reading and I read them White Fang.
Well I didn't actually read the whole book. I just basically told them the story, the
exciting parts and showed the pictures. I guess it was a little bit adorable.
When Jenna, Daniele & Ben got to the beach, we went home.
We ate Mexican, watched a movie and had strawberry shortcake & ice cream.
The little kids are asleep now. And I was watching a movie with the old people.
But it was Inception and apparently I was asking too many questions. Everyone kept
yelling at me.


My Pillow Smells Funny.
Travis had to leave today on account a his dad is sick in the hospital.
Jenna & Nissi, Judah, and Josiah are still here with us.
Daniele & I took all the kids to the beach.
Daniele took Jenna shopping while Michal and I watched the little guys.
Then we went to do a sound check at the Surf Side Calvery Chapel.
Bill was there.

March 24, 2011

I love Keylime pie.
We had a great beach day with Vaads. It was fun. But Ben was too sick to go with us.
I went to the Publix to get some groceries. Things like limes and eggs.
Made a huge seafood dinner.
Now just watching movies with Nissi and Grace till they fall asleep.
Beau told me - If I would just spend more time on facebook and the internet, I would
have more friends and people would like talking to me.
I told him - He may be right about that. Also if I would turn into a boy maybe all the girls
who love talking to him and Ben would want to be friends with me too. Just a thought.

March 23

I cleaned the closet today.
I made dinner for everyone.
I made pot roast, mashed potatoes, rolls, greenbeans, corn, etc.
I talked to Korinne for an hour and a half.
It was good. I spilled everything to her... as usual.
Things are good for my lately.
I'm happy.
I went to the beach with Daddy and my sister's. Looking for sand fleas.
It was twilight and it was beautiful.
Now it is late and I'm tired.
Travis & Jenna and their kids are coming tomorrow.
I can't wait to see them.
Travis for fishing. Jenna needs a vacation badly. So Michal and I are in charge of their

children. which is fine by me.

Thursday, March 10, 2011

To Josh.

we called you. over and over. to sing and talk and wish you good birthday. you never answered. and we all sat in the van together. silently thinking about you. and then one by one, we all shook our heads. and got out of the van. the end.